HappyMod / Slow Bullets Mod / Video reviews / Using ADMIN to HACK Pet Simulator X as TUBERS93

Slow Bullets MOD apk v0.6 Video Reviews

Slow Bullets MOD apk  v0.6
Name Slow Bullets MOD apk v0.6
Package Name com.mod.slow-bullets-slow-motion-action-shooter-mod-apk-0-6
Publisher: untete
Category Action
Version 0.6
Size 41.95 MB
Price FREE
Requires Android 5.0 (LOLLIPOP)

Using ADMIN to HACK Pet Simulator X as TUBERS93

Slow Bullets MOD apk v0.6

Amazing game concept where you are a super hero who is trying to stop bad guys by shooting them but the twist here is the time moves only when you move.

Slow bullet is the game where time in all the levels are in slow motion until you move. So try to dodge the enemy's bullet in slow motion and kill them before time goes back to normal.

This game has great game physics with dual time modes i.e a slow motion and a regular.
Each level has its oven difficulty and challenges. Every level is uniquely designed to enhanced you gameplay. The gameplay itself will make you wanna play more and more as the level progress.

So give its a try to a free version of the slow bullet game

Slow Bullets Mod

  • Slow Bullets Mod Apk 0.6
    Slow Bullets Mod Apk 0.6
    You are a super hero, we are trying to stop the bad guys by shooting


How to install Slow Bullets Mod

Step 1. Download Slow Bullets Mod () APK file on HappyMod.com.
Step 2. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.
Step 3.Slow Bullets Mod () APK will begin installing on your device. Simple.

How to install Slow Bullets Mod from HappyMod app?

Step 1. Download HappyMod APK file on HappyMod.com.
Step 2. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.
Step 3.Search Slow Bullets Mod, click Download.
Step 4: You can download 100% working mods on HappyMod with one click.