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Food Diary MOD apk [Paid for free][Free purchase] v1.8.4 Video Reviews

Food Diary MOD apk [Paid for free][Free purchase] v1.8.4
Name Food Diary MOD apk [Paid for free][Free purchase] v1.8.4
Package Name com.mod.food-diary-mod-paid-1-8-4
Publisher: dinesh8492
Category Health & Fitness
MOD Features: Paid for free Free purchase
Version 1.8.4
Size 0.51 MB
Price FREE
Requires Android 2.2.x (FROYO)


Food Diary MOD apk [Paid for free][Free purchase] v1.8.4

If you suffer from migraines, IBS, heartburn, or suspect you have some other food intolerance (celiac disease, lactose intolerance, etc.), most books and doctors will recommend that you start keeping a food diary or food journal. With a food diary, you track the things you eat as well as your symptoms. Over time you can use this data to help determine what your triggers are and what foods to avoid. This application removes the need to carry a separate notebook and pen or pencil and allows you to keep this log directly on your phone or tablet.

* Daily log of food and symptoms
* Autocompletes entries to quickly enter common meals
* Search for something before you eat it to see if it might have caused you trouble in the past
* Custom categories so you can track additional things like exercise, medication, stress or anxiety level, etc.
* Export in CSV and XLS format for processing, archiving, or printing to bring to a doctor or dietitian

Food Diary Mod

  • Food Diary Mod Apk 1.8.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]
    Food Diary Mod Apk 1.8.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]
    Paid for free


How to install Food Diary Mod

Step 1. Download Food Diary Mod (Paid for free Free purchase) APK file on HappyMod.com.
Step 2. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.
Step 3.Food Diary Mod (Paid for free Free purchase) APK will begin installing on your device. Simple.

How to install Food Diary Mod from HappyMod app?

Step 1. Download HappyMod APK file on HappyMod.com.
Step 2. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.
Step 3.Search Food Diary Mod, click Download.
Step 4: You can download 100% working mods on HappyMod with one click.